Youth Mission Trips: Past & Future

Youth Mission Trip

2022 - Milwaukee, WI

July 24-27, 2022

Past Youth Mission Trips

2020 - Elk Grove Village, IL

In the midst of a pandemic with a long list of events being cancelled, our Annual Mission Trip made the list! We were to head to Nashville, TN on July 19th and return full of joy, stories, recharged spiritually and drained physically on July 24th but alas that did not happen this time. Rather than looking at the glass half empty, we decided to turn that around and see what things we could do to help missionally in the community. With the help of Pastor Stefan and Marty from the Village, we were able to get a list of folks in the area that needed some extra help around the outside of their homes. Our goal was to do a weeklong project, but with things changing daily in the COVID-19 world, we had to trim it down to 1 day. However, in that 1 day, we helped 3 people in our community with various projects, from weed pulling, to garage clean up, to window washing, etc. We had a total of 14 in our group (4 adults and 10 youth), which is exactly how many were going on the mission trip, so that worked beautifully. Everyone worked hard that day and those we served, were very grateful and hope we plan to do this again another time, we're thinking maybe a fall clean-up.

2019 - Wilmington, NC

In July of 2019, our Senior High Youth group along with 4 adult leaders headed to the shores of Wilmington, North Carolina to participate with the disaster relief of Hurricane Florence. We worked alongside two other church youth groups, as well as the Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, and our host Pelican Disaster Relief. Still, ten months after Hurricane Florence the devastation of Mother Nature could easily be seen. We spent our days on various work projects: ripping up flooring, taking down walls, hanging drywall, clearing out trees and debris, and painting. At the end of each day we joined for group worship and broke off into our individual church groups to share and reflect on the day. A truly amazing trip was had by all and everyone is looking forward to where next year's mission trip will bring us.

All of our experiences were then shared with the church congregation at the “Carolina Calling” service held on August 17 & 18th. We cooked up a taste of North Carolina foods and shared in our blessings of our church’s support.