2024-2025 Parent Orientation was held on Sep. 11 from 6:30-7:30 pm.
Classes began on Sep. 18.
Confirmation Day is Sunday, May 4 at the 9 am service.
What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8
A 3-Year Youth Ministry Experience helping 6th, 7th, and 8th graders say “YES" to God, who said "YES" to you in your baptisms. It’s about being a servant with a servant heart!
Why confirmation?
Great question! Confirmation is more than just checking a box for your faith. Confirmation is about…
Loving the Lord
Someone making you come and you leaving, wanting more
Growing into being Lutheran
Coming with questions and leaving with new ideas and perspective
Confirmation is about being a servant with a servant heart
How may I serve and grow in knowledge and faith?
Take part in SERVANT EVENTS, on and off site
Go to Lutherdale to retreat together
Do 5 sermon notes per year
Support each other, especially when we do our 10 Team Servants:
Everyone acolytes, but we also get to choose to be on two of the following teams: Greeter, usher, reader, communion assistant, Rizen band, fellowship, Sunday School, or gardening.
Show up to serve during Lent, the time of reflection before Easter .
Confirmation at Christus Victor Lutheran Church
Year Two: Lutheran History and Theology
2024-2025 Schedule:
Sep. 11 Parent Orientation from 6:30-7:30 pm
Classes are held Wednesdays from 6-7:45 pm, starting Sep. 18
Confirmation Day is Sunday, May 4 at the 9 am service
Nightly Schedule
6:00-6:3o Pizza! ($1/slice)
6:35-6:40 Gathering Activity
6:40-7:00 Teaching Time
7:00-7:40 Small Groups
7:40-7:45 Back for Large Group Final Blessing
To Support the ministry, we ask families to make a donation of $40 per student every year to help cover the many costs associated with this ministry. Additional donations to the ministry are gratefully accepted. No student will be turned away, and friends are always welcome.
If you have any questions or concerns about the Confirmation program, please contact Pastor Melanie Potuznik at
Meet Your Confirmation Coordinator Melanie Potuznik
- BA at St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN
- Master of Divinity at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Interests/Hobbies: Running; walking in the woods with my family and dog, Coco; being outside; cooking
Passions: Africa, Sharing God’s love and encouraging people to serve
Goals for 2024-2025: Help more people live abundantly by gathering in worship, growing in faith within the context of missional communities, and going in service to their neighborhood and the world.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve. Thank you for entrusting me with your students’ learning and growth. Thank you for supporting your 6th, 7th, and 8th graders on their faith journeys, and thanks a lot for bringing them (and their friends!) to confirmation/junior high youth group every week.