We believe God calls us to serve and go out in the world! We all have gifts inside that God gave us! What brings you joy? How do you like to help? No matter your gift or how you like to give, there is a place for you to serve at Christus Victor!
Looking for support or community in one of our ministries? We have plenty of that, too! Learn about our ministries through the dropdown menu of “Go (Ministries).”
fresh opportunities!
Worship Assistants! Share the Word of God with the congregation and help pass out communion! If you’re already at church, why not volunteer! Email info@cvlutheran.org for more details.
We are always looking for…
People who want to be involved in our services:
Greeters: Let your cheery disposition serve God! Help us keep Christus Victor as a place that welcomes everyone with a smile and open arms.
Communion Assistants: Help people connect and be present with the body and blood of Jesus! Passing out wafers and wine at each service emphasizes how Jesus was “given and shed” for us. For more information, please email info@cvlutheran.org.
Members for our Altar Ministry Team: We often forget about the behind-the-scenes of each service, but it takes a village! Join the altar ministry team to change the church decorations, clean the altar area, set up for baptisms and weddings, arrange and display flowers, and maintain the Acolyte robes. Email altar.ministry@cvlutheran.org for more details.
Worship Assistants: Do you like speaking in front of others? Sign up to be a worship assistant who does the reading during service and assists with communion! You get to participate in service and share the Word of God with the congregation. Email info@cvlutheran.org for details.
Musicians! Yes, if you love playing music, you can join one of our music ministries! We have our Rizen Band, Chancel Choir, and Handbells. We are also in need of an Organist/Chancel Choir Accompanist (paid). Reach out to Music Director Megan.Radowick@cvlutheran.org if you are looking to serve through your musical talents!
People who want to take part in one of our ministries:
Volunteers for our PADS Program: From November through April each year, we open our doors to the homeless, so they have a place to sleep and food to eat during the cold Midwest months. We are always looking for volunteers to help cover the nighttime shifts. If you’re a night owl, this one’s for you! Apply to join our PADS team now.
A Caring Place Volunteers: It is truly God’s work to care for others! You can give caregivers the gift of time away - to run errands or relax! - by spending time with their loved ones in our A Caring Place program. You’ll be joining an existing group of folks with pre-planned activities for adults with mild cognitive or physical impairments. Email Rosa Biondo for more details!
Nursery and Sunday School Volunteers: If children make you smile, we have plenty of opportunities for you to serve! Our children’s ministries are always looking for volunteers to share Bible stories with the children, do crafts, and play games. Email Kasandra.Pruyn@cvlutheran.org for more information!
People who want to contribute items for one of our ministries:
Donors for our Food Pantry! Whether you’d like to donate food, time, or funds, our food pantry would greatly appreciate your support! Please reach out to MiMi.Cheatham@cvlutheran.org.
Donors for our Exodus World Service: Refugee Assistance: A few times a year, we are honored to help a refugee family start off on the right foot in a new home, equipped with most - if not all! - of the basic items a family needs. This is done through financial and physical donations from generous people like you!
Click the button below to email us with your questions or if you’d like to volunteer or contribute!
Not sure which opportunity is right for you to serve?
Take our Time & Talent Survey! You can share skills or interests you have - professionally or personally - and we can help place you with an opportunity to serve.