2023 First Communion Service Projects
Shaylyn has such a passion for animals, so she sewed blankets for the cats and dogs awaiting homes at the Anderson Humane society.
John & friends made cards for an organization called Cards for Hospitalized Kids. Together they made 45 cards with positive & encouraging messages to cheer up kids who are in the hospital with chronic, life-threatening, or terminal illnesses.
Izabella chose to go grocery shopping for the food pantry. She wants to help people who are in need of food.
Ben always helps out at home without even being asked! Mom started a new job and all week he emptied the dishwasher, helped make dinner, cleaned up and even helped his younger brother and sister with their homework!
Ethan loves to help! He helped the Mayor and his dad put up signs in the community to help with the local elections.
Elise filled two bags of toys and two bags of clothes to donate to Wings.
Misha visited Bill Fleck in his home where he shared his family history, how he made his crosses, and all of the people he’s given them to.
Mom says, “Hannah always loves to help out! Every morning, she brings the paper up to our older neighbors’ door so they don’t have to go down the driveway.”
“I collected food from my baseball team to give to the food pantry. To help people.”