~ Prayer Shawl Ministry ~
About OUr Prayer SHawls
Prayer shawls are made by members of Christus Victor Lutheran Church in Elk Grove Village as gifts of love to their recipients. The shawl symbolizes the love and embrace of God. Each shawl has been lovingly made and prayed over, and those who receive the shawls continue to be held in prayer. We hope that the use of these prayer shawls will bring comfort and blessing.
Prayer Shawl Blessing
May you feel God’s warm embrace as you wrap this prayer shawl around you.
May you experience the comfort, strength, and love of God, encircling you in good times, as well as difficult times.
May you be lifted up in hope, surrounded by joy, graced with peace, and wrapped in love.
Please know that you are being remembered in prayer and love. God Bless You!
A few members crochet together. Currently looking for knitters to share their skill!
want to join our prayer shawl ministry?
If you’d like to join this ministry, please contact Ann DeBartolo or call the church office at 847-437-2666.
Donations of 3 same colored Skeins of Lion’s Brand in “Homespun” yarn can be dropped off in the Hebrew’s Cafe Donation Bins.