Youth Ministry
The goal of our youth ministry is not simply for older kids to have fun at church or even to make it through Confirmation and remain connected afterwards. Rather, our goal is to help our youth develop into mature Christians.
Our Confirmation program is a three-year youth ministry experience for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. We help equip students to say YES to God who said YES to you in your baptism.
Confirmation meets Wednesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. during the school year.
Pictured: The confirmation students at Lutherdale in 2025!
senior Youth group (8th grade - college)
Confirmation isn’t the end for our youth! Our older students can continue to grow in their faith under the direction of our Senior Youth Ministry leaders. Any student who is in eighth grade, high school, and college is encouraged to attend! We meet every Sunday after the 9 a.m. service at Christus Victor in the Youth Room. In addition to learning more about how God works in our lives, they also go on mission trips. There are also lots of fun “Unchopped” cooking competitions!
Our Senior Youth Ministry leaders are the awesome trio of Mike Gehring (right), Mike Ihnen (left), and Cathy Johnson (middle)! They love working with our older students and share the Word of God with them.
Mission Trips
Each year, our senior youth group take a mission trip. These week-long journeys help to open their eyes, soften their hearts, and change their lives. Find out more about this life-changing trip through the link below!