Easter Breakfast
Easter Sunday, March 31 –
8:15am - 11am
Join us on Easter morning - Sunday, March 31 - for our annual CVLC Easter Breakfast! This year we will be going BIG! The menu will include: Easter Egg Casseroles, Chocolate & Regular Pancakes, Sausage, Ham, Fruit, Pastries, Coffee & Juice!
In order to pull this beautiful breakfast off, we need your help!
If you are able to contribute some breakfast items please click on the link below by Thursday, March 28, 2024. Please bring your food donation (except egg casseroles) to the church kitchen by Saturday, March 30, 2024. You can leave your non-refrigerated items on the back counter in the church kitchen that is to the left of the door. Please put your donation that needs refrigeration in the refrigerator in the kitchen. Please put boxes of frozen brown & serve sausage links in the chest freezer that is along the far wall of the kitchen.
For Egg Cheese Casseroles:
Please bring your cooked and hot egg-cheese Easter breakfast casserole on Easter morning (March 31st) to the kitchen by 7:30AM. The recipe for the egg-cheese Easter breakfast casserole is shown below or is available in print in the church kitchen. Pans and lids are in the church kitchen for those who volunteer to bake one. We are asking for only egg-cheese casseroles.
The Easter Breakfast is sponsored by our CVLC Youth Ministry. A free will offering will be collected with all proceeds going to support their 2025 Mission Trip.
For more information, contact High School Youth Coordinator, Brianna Zelm, Brianna.Zelm@cvlutheran.org
Seeking Easter Breakfast Volunteers
It takes a lot of work to put together our annual Easter Breakfast. We are looking for some volunteers, in addition to our Youth participants and their parents, to help make the Easter Breakfast a success. If you are willing and able to help out our Youth Ministry – either by prepping food, setting up/cleaning up, or joining the serving crew on Easter morning sign up using the link below today! Contact Brianna Zelm with any questions Brianna.Zelm@cvlutheran.org Thank you all for your support!