Holy Week
Join us for our Holy Week and Easter services! We look forward to seeing you.
Calendar of Events - All Are Welcome!
Welcoming Jesus Into Jerusalem
Saturday, April 12 – Palm Saturday:
5:00pm Blended Service
Sunday, April 13 – Palm Sunday:
9:00am Modern Service
11:00am Traditional Service
Nursery will be open during 9am Service
Celebrating Jesus’ Last Supper
Thursday, April 17 – Maundy Thursday:
6:00 pm Agape Dinner
7:00pm Worship Service
Includes our 1st Communion Service & Stripping of the Altar
Nursery will be open at 7:00 pm.
Agape Dinner Details:
The Agape Meal will take place from 6:00-6:45 p.m. Chris Kocsis and his team will be cooking lamb and chicken for dinner.
Worship begins at 7:00 (when kids get their first communion).
There will be a "head" Last Supper table, where "Jesus and his disciples" sit.
There will be a prayer and scripture readings, but mostly it will be a community meal in the spirit of Maundy Thursday.
The whole community is invited! We can't wait to see you there!
Witness Jesus’ Last Hours
Friday, April 18 – Good Friday:
7:00pm Traditional Service with handbells
Alleluia! Jesus is RiSen!
April 20 – Easter Sunday Services:
7:00am Sunrise Service
9:00am Contemporary Service (Nursery open)
11:00am Traditional Service
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt after the 9:00am service will be held outside, weather permitting.
The Annual Easter Breakfast will be from 8-11 am, and all donations will go towards the Youth Mission Trip!